Last week was a packed one for me. I had to fly out Tuesday night for a business group meeting, where we planned out the next quarter and discussed strategies for the upcoming months. These meetings are always great for stepping back from the day-to-day grind and really evaluating where things stand. This time, instead of heading to California like we usually do, the meeting was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida—right near Miami. Not a bad spot to spend a few days working and networking.
These business meetings are always long and intense. We start at 8 AM, and most days, we’re still going strong until 6 or 7 PM. This one was no exception. On Wednesday, we wrapped up at 5 PM, which honestly felt like an early day compared to some of these conferences. That night, we had a networking mixer, which was a great chance to connect with everyone in a more relaxed setting. It’s always nice to meet people outside of the structured meetings and get to know them on a personal level. Then Thursday’s sessions went even longer—until about 6:30 or 7 PM. By the time I finally had a chance to squeeze in a workout, it was getting really late. I hadn’t rented a car this time, so I was glad to have a gym in the hotel. It’s easy to fall out of routine when traveling, but I always feel better when I can fit in a workout, even if it’s late.
Back at the business conference, we spent a lot of time reviewing our businesses, analyzing numbers, and making sure we were on track for our goals. We also focused on personal well-being—not just in business but also in terms of health, family, and overall life balance. It was a good reminder to check in and ask, "How do I feel about where I am right now?" Since we’re already two months into the year, it was a good time to reassess and make adjustments before the second quarter starts. I always find it valuable to step outside my usual environment and take time to reflect. When you’re in the middle of the daily hustle, it’s hard to see the bigger picture. I came away with a few solid ideas, some simple but effective changes I can implement at the office, and I’m looking forward to putting those in motion.
Meanwhile, on the personal side of things, we were also gearing up for something really special—our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Japan! Holly and I had been planning this trip for a while, and we were finally heading out on Sunday morning. That meant another early wake-up call—we were out the door by 6:30 AM to catch our flight. And of course, it was a long one—about 14 hours in the air. Long flights like that can be rough, but this time, I planned ahead a little better. I actually downloaded some Netflix movies in advance, which made the flight a little more bearable. Usually, I just watch whatever Delta offers, but having my own selection definitely helped pass the time. Still, 14 hours is a long time to be stuck in one place, so I was relieved when we finally landed. We took a taxi to our Airbnb, and that’s where our Japan adventure officially started. I’ll have a big update next week on everything we did while we were there.
So that was my week—business, travel, family time, and getting ready for our big trip. I’ll have plenty to share about Japan next time. And of course, remember—if you are in pain, call Shane!
Weekly Trivia Question
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