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Raising the Roof: Cheers to a Perfect Night Out!


Image - 2024-09-24T164154.390It’s been a busy week. I’ve felt tired all week and can’t quite put my finger on why, although we’ve had a lot of people out sick at the office with, I guess, whatever seems to be going around. Everyone’s trying to stay healthy. One thing I do is take an Emergen-C packet almost daily. My doctor recommended it and said it wouldn’t hurt, so I made it a habit. I always find it a bit odd that it’s a powder when most vitamins are pills. I don’t know if it’s better or just different, but that’s what they suggested, so that’s what I’ve stuck with.

I also took a break from lifting weights last week to let my elbow heal. I’d strained it while lifting weights after injuring my ankle. The angle was off since I had to be non-weight-bearing and still tried to lift while sitting down. Just pulling the weights off the rack a couple of times tweaked it. I don’t know if it’s tennis elbow or tendonitis or what, but I gave it a rest. 

Instead, I rode my wife’s Peloton bike for some cardio and, surprisingly, enjoyed it more than I expected. I couldn’t do the fast-paced stuff, so I rode at a steady pace with some resistance, which seemed to help. It wasn’t crazy, but it was better than just pedaling super fast. It wasn’t a typical Peloton workout since I stayed seated and just rode it out, but it felt good and gave me a break from the battle ropes.

Image - 2024-09-24T164150.851On Thursday, we went back to our favorite Mexican restaurant in Peachtree City, and they’d changed the menu. I’m not sure if they swapped franchises, but it seemed different. The menu was definitely new, but the food was still great. Same quality, and we still loved the queso. It’s still our favorite spot.

Image - 2024-09-24T164137.589Friday night, we planned to go to Japan Fest on Saturday morning. It was up in Duluth, Georgia, which is about an hour and a half from home. Rather than getting up early, we got a hotel room near the Convention Center and had dinner at Nacho Daddy downtown. I’d found it, and Holly didn’t know they had a Georgia location, so that was fun. They had outdoor seating, which I like, so we sat up top and had some nachos. Afterward, we found a nice rooftop bar at our hotel with a water feature, which was a cool surprise. We just hung out there and enjoyed it.

The next day, we went to Japan Fest, and it was way bigger than I expected. They were expecting around 25,000 people. The food lines got long fast, and I had no idea it was such a big event. They talked about how important Japanese businesses are in Atlanta and how they employ 40,000 to 60,000 people here. Some big companies Image - 2024-09-24T164142.802sponsored the fest and had booths, including manufacturers of farm equipment and lawnmowers. They had an impressive zero-turn lawnmower and other equipment that looked pretty cool. If I had a farm or did construction projects, I might’ve been interested.

On the way home, we stopped by Dish, a Korean place we love. They’d changed their menu too, so it felt a bit more authentic this time. The names of the dishes were different, but the food was still excellent. We got home, and Teddy had stayed with a dog sitter overnight. She did a great job, so we were happy. Then, early Sunday morning, we headed up to Charlotte for the week. That was our week! I hope you had a great one too! Stay safe and remember, if you are in pain, call Shane!

             40+ DIY Halloween Crafts for 2024 40+ Halloween Crafts


A comprehensive list of Halloween crafts ranging from marbled pumpkins and felt bat crafts to making spooky skull heads and Halloween-themed ghost pillows. It also covers a variety of projects suitable for all skill levels, such as yarn mummy crafts, clay pot spiders, and DIY paper witch hats.



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Paw Offices of Teddy, Robin, & Kingston

Image - 2024-09-24T163837.074Oh, hi there! It’s me, Ivy the cat. You wouldn’t believe what I got up to this weekend. It all started when I noticed the humans bustling around, packing things into that giant backpack. My ears perked up. Whenever that backpack comes out, it usually means adventure! But here’s the thing: I didn’t want to be left behind.

I sauntered over, casually stretching my paws, and tried to act like I wasn’t interested. But inside, my little heart was racing. What if they were going somewhere fun? What if there were birds to chase or sunny spots to nap in? The thought of being left alone in the house was unbearable.

Carefully, I climbed in, nestling myself among the soft clothes and snacks they’d packed. The humans were busy laughing and chatting, completely unaware of my sneaky plan. I tucked myself in, curling my tail around me like a cozy blanket. Oh, this was going to be perfect! But just as I was settling in, I heard my name. “Ivy, where are you?” Oh no! Panic surged through me. I held my breath, praying they wouldn’t look in the backpack. My heart was racing like I’d just chased a mouse! I could hear their footsteps coming closer, and I knew I had to be still.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they went back to their packing. I thought, “This is it! I’m going on an adventure!” I imagined all the places we could go—the park, the beach, maybe even the vet, although that’s not really an adventure I’m keen on. Just as I was picturing myself chasing butterflies in a meadow, I heard the zipper of the backpack. My heart sank. Were they going to close it up without me? I couldn’t let that happen! In a burst of feline energy, I poked my head out. The humans gasped! “Ivy!” they exclaimed, looking both surprised and amused.

Caught red-pawed, I knew I had to play it cool. I blinked slowly, as if to say, “Oh, you found me! How lovely!” They laughed and lifted me out, giving me a few scratches behind the ears. Who knew a little curiosity could lead to such fun? I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes us!

Weekly Trivia Question

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