Weekly News

Weathering the Storm: Inside Our Hurricane Helene Experience

Written by Shane Smith | Oct 2, 2024 11:00:00 AM


Hey! This past week has been incredibly busy, and it’s been a whirlwind of events, both professionally and personally. I started the week by heading up to Charlotte to meet with my attorneys and discuss some of our bigger cases. We spent a good amount of time brainstorming strategies, talking through details, and planning our next moves. It was also a great opportunity to just spend some time in the office, catch up with the team there, and get a feel for the energy. I always try to do that when I visit—see how everyone’s doing and make sure everything is running smoothly. 

One of the main things on my agenda during the trip was to shoot some video on Tuesday. Now, anyone who’s done video knows it can be a bit stressful. You want everything to be perfect—the lighting, the delivery, the message. You want to make sure you're clear, confident, and communicating in the best possible way. So, there’s always a little pressure when the cameras are rolling. But in the end, the shoot went well, and I think we got some great content. Afterward, I met with all my attorneys in Charlotte, which was a great way to touch base and make sure we’re all on the same page moving forward.

Another thing I always look forward to when I visit Charlotte is seeing my fish. I have an aquarium set up in my home office, and it’s one of those small things that I enjoy—it brings a little bit of peace and, it gives me a chance to unwind for a moment and clear my head before diving back into the grind.

As the week went on, however, the big concern for everyone was Hurricane Helene. This storm had everyone on edge because we weren’t sure exactly where it was going to hit or how hard it would impact us. It wasn’t just a local issue; it was something that had the entire East Coast on alert. We had friends who were planning to visit us in Charlotte, flying in on Friday, but as the storm drew closer, it became clear that their plans might have to change. The unpredictability of hurricanes always keeps everyone on their toes, and Helene was no different.

As the week progressed, the schools in both Peachtree City and Charlotte started announcing closures for Friday, which caused a ripple effect for my team. Many of my staff members are parents, and when schools close, they have to figure out how to manage childcare. For a lot of them, that meant staying home on Friday to take care of their kids, which is completely understandable but also adds another layer of complexity to an already hectic situation.

The weather was a big source of stress for everyone. We kept wondering, When is this storm going to hit, and how bad is it going to be? Would it come in on Thursday night? Or would it be Friday? Or even Saturday? There was a lot of uncertainty, which just added to the anxiety. By Thursday night, the rain had already started, and it became clear that Hurricane Helene was going to make a significant impact along the East Coast. It hit Florida first, and seeing the destruction there really drove home how quickly and devastatingly weather can change things. It’s easy to forget how vulnerable we are to nature’s power until something like this happens.

On Friday, we delayed opening our Peachtree City office by two hours as a precaution, but fortunately, the storm didn’t hit that area too hard. That being said, some of our team members who live in more rural areas, like Griffin, had a much harder time getting into the office. In those places, the storm caused more damage—trees down, flooding, and power outages—so we were flexible with those team members, making sure they stayed safe.

Charlotte, on the other hand, was hit much harder. Our office lost power early on Friday and didn’t get it back all day, which meant we couldn’t get any work done. That was before we even knew the full extent of the damage. Some of our team members couldn’t even make it to the office due to flooding and trees blocking roads. By 9:30 AM, we got word that the power was still out, and with no clear idea of when it would be restored, we had no choice but to close the office for the day. It was frustrating, but safety always comes first, and we’re just thankful that none of our team members were seriously injured. That was our biggest concern throughout the storm—making sure everyone was okay.

We heard some heartbreaking stories from other areas, though. I spoke to a friend in Florida who told me about a house that got completely washed away, which is just devastating. And Asheville, North Carolina, also got hit hard. The damage in those areas was a stark reminder of how unpredictable and dangerous storms can be. 

By Saturday morning, Holly and I decided to head back to Atlanta to check on our house and see how things were looking there. Thankfully, the drive wasn’t too bad, though we did see a lot of damage along the way. It seemed like every mile or so, we’d come across a tree that had been cut down to clear the road. I have to give a lot of credit to the line workers and crews who were out there, working tirelessly to keep the roads clear and restore power to those who lost it. I can’t even imagine the hours they put in or the level of effort that must’ve taken. They’re the unsung heroes during times like this.

When we finally got back to Peachtree City, we were relieved to find that our house was fine. We didn’t have any major issues, and things were relatively calm in our area. The only real excitement we had that weekend was watching UFC Paris, which was a nice distraction after such a chaotic week. The card was stacked with a lot of French and European fighters, and it was an exciting Fight Night overall. I thought it was one of the better Fight Nights we’ve seen recently, and it was great to see those fighters on such a big stage.

Looking ahead, we’ve got an even bigger UFC event coming up next week. It’s a pay-per-view with Alex Pereira, one of the champs, fighting. He’s a powerhouse and always puts on an incredible show, so I’m looking forward to that. It’ll be a fun event to watch, and a nice way to wind down after all the stress of the storm.

We’ll be heading back to Charlotte soon, and I just want to take a moment to say that I hope everyone is doing okay in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. I know it’s been a tough time for a lot of people, and we’re thinking of you as you get back on your feet. If you or anyone you know is in need of help, remember, if you’re in pain, call Shane!

                            34 Eerie-sistible DIY Halloween Crafts to Make Your Home Spooktacular

This article offers unique DIY ideas like creating Halloween nebula jars, glow-in-the-dark slime, and spooky cemetery pumpkin dioramas. It also includes creative lighting solutions like DIY lanterns and realistic fake fire props to enhance your Halloween atmosphere, along with easy crafts like ghost lights made from ping pong balls.


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