Crazy Crash by Flying Object!
Hey guys. Last week was a busy week for us. It's a travel week. Thursday Holly and I traveled from Charlotte down to Peachtree City. That always sort of throws things off a little bit. Even though we try not to take a lot of stuff from place to place, we do it every single time. Always makes me glad I've got a van instead of a small little compact car. I have taken a couple of trips in my old BMW, and it has a lot less trunk room and space than my minivan, so the minivan is definitely an easier trip with the ability to take more stuff. Last week was a big video week, shooting a lot of content, and trying to catch up, especially right before I head down to Peachtree City.
Tuesday, had some of my treatment meetings, worked with my coach some, and then worked on some of our attorney projects we've got going on. So, we can better serve our clients in different areas. So, talking to them about MedPay, wrongful deaths, and premises liability or slip and falls for store owners, things along those lines. Just as the firm gets bigger and helps more people, it gives us more opportunities to help more folks as well.
Wednesday was my regular meeting day and Holly and I’s Valentine's Day went well, with pizza and wings delivered to the house and some chocolate-covered strawberries. So, it's a quiet Valentine's Day for us.
I was supposed to have a lab draw that morning on Thursday, one of those things where you fast, then you go in, they take your blood pressure, take your labs, run all that. Somehow, we got messed up with our appointment and I showed up that morning after not having a coffee and not eating any breakfast and they're like, "Oh, nope. The soonest we could see you is 3:00 today. We don't have you down on the books at 8:00 like you thought." So, we ended up having to reschedule, Holly took me to work on the way, but it was just frustrating. It threw us off and didn't get it done. I'd said I wanted to run all my labs this year twice, once at the beginning of the year and then once at the end of the year, to see if I could make any healthy changes to get anything under control. I don't have any issues that I am overly concerned about. I just wanted to get it all measured, see where I am at, and see if I have any vitamin deficiencies, or anything else that I might need to take a look at. So, I wasn't able to do that on Thursday, but we did get it rescheduled to Monday of next week and I'm sure we'll get it knocked out then. That's the problem I have with doing everything online. Sometimes you get an email confirmation, sometimes you don't, sometimes you get text messages, sometimes you don't, and sometimes you get all that stuff, and nothing still happens. So, fortunately, we were able to just get it rescheduled.
Later Thursday we met with our automation people and our technology folks to talk about some possibilities they might be able to do with us in the future. Then, unfortunately, my voice died on me, and I wasn't able to shoot the video content I had planned to do during the day. I had planned to shoot videos for about two hours, and about five minutes in, my voice started to crack. I started thinking if I'm going to shoot as much content as we have been, then I may have to start doing more of the exercises or the tea some of the singers and actors use, which I always thought was sort of silly. But now I guess as I have more things that I'm talking about on camera and trying to project, I can see where it might be helpful. It's got me looking at lemon or honey tea, something like that to see if I can take some of the scratches out of my voice. Of course, I guess the alternative is I could just talk less, so that might work just as well, too.
Thursday, after work we came down to Georgia, which is always a long trip. We were lucky we didn't get stuck in a lot of traffic until we hit Atlanta. Not sure what the issue is there, other than, I mean, Atlanta's always got a little bit of traffic. There was a box truck and one of the lanes stopped which was causing some of the delay. Didn't see any accidents, but that slowed people down. Back in the old days, it seemed like when a car was stuck in the road, you put it in neutral and a couple of folks would push it out of their way, and then everybody would go about their business. It just looks like that doesn't happen nearly as much as it used to, and I don't know, I wish it did.
Back down in Peachtree City, had a good time over the weekend. I did have one of my allergy attacks on Friday night, I took some medicine they prescribed to help, which made me tired all day Saturday. The good news is I found a buddy of mine who recommended a gunsmith who could do some work on a gun. One of my shotguns continues to jam, so I went down there, talked to them, and they sound like they know what they're doing. I think next time I come down to Peachtree City, I'm going to bring it and have him take a look at it and see if he can fix it.
The boys at their place in High Point were having some drainage issues and mud with all the rain up there. And ended up having to go to Lowe's to get some landscape rocks to try to put down gravel next to the driveway. We are hoping it will get rid of some of the mud as we figured out a good solution for that. I guess occasionally, sometimes their friends will drive over the side of the driveway a little bit onto the grass. And it's just that combined with the foot traffic and the wetness, the area's created a mud spot. They have to figure out the best solution.
Then on Saturday night, we had the big pay-per-view event for UFC, and that was Volkanovski versus Topuria, on the main card. Terrible news for Volkanovski fans like me, Volkanovski took a hit in round two and went down, knocked out, a TKO. A sad moment for me. Ian Garry won his match earlier that night. So, we've got a new featherweight champ in Ilia Topuria.
Robert Whitaker took the co-main event by decision, said Ian Garry had a good night taking his fight by decision as well and he remains 14-0 undefeated. For those who are Bantamweight fans, Merab beat Henry Cejudo as well. Overall, it was an exciting night. I thought the fights were good. Terribly sad for Volkanovski. He's a super nice guy, a great champ. I think he just took the two back-to-back losses when he was trying to move up in weight against Islam and then got in his head and it just took him off his game. I'm sure there's a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacking today talking about what he should have done, shouldn't have done, and all that. I'm sure he's trying to figure that out as well, but I hope he gets better. I hope he recovers quickly and figures out what he wants to do.
Then on Sunday we just hung around the house and had supper with my parents. Just had some burgers and had a good time. It is always nice to see them. I hope you all had a good week out there and remember if you are in pain, call Shane!
Weekly Trivia Question
Watch this video and answer the question to be entered in the week's giveaway!
The winner will win a $25.00 Amazon gift card!