Hey, this week has just been a regular week in the Peachtree City office. Summer's winding down, so...
Deadpool, Wolverine, and Ghostbusters: Movie Marathon!
Hey, so this last week has been a busy week for me. I had my MRI last Thursday and I'm scheduled to get it read on Friday, so I am kind of impatient for that. They did put me in a boot to walk around, which it’s okay is what I'll say. It's a hassle, but I was still able to do almost everything I normally would do. I just have to wear the boot during the day and not even at night. So that was good.
I ended up playing computer games with Noah one night after work. We like to do that especially when he's out of town. Currently we are playing a game called Helldivers. I found it's a great way for me and him to just spend time together in a more casual relationship than so much like a dad-son relationship. It's more of a peer relationship and it's a good way just for me to spend time with my kids, with Noah in particular, playing video games. And it helps to enjoy the game with him. It makes it more fun for everybody involved. And heck, sometimes I get to spend time with his friends playing as well, which is always interesting when I'm there and everyone else playing is younger, faster, and better at the game. And I always tell him, hopefully dad didn't embarrass him too much by not being as good as he is.
On Thursday morning, I was supposed to go shooting with my dad during the day. I'd blocked off to take a long lunch, like an hour and a half, and we were supposed to go shooting at one of the local ranges. But late Wednesday night got notice that they had closed down the shop and was no longer open for anybody to come. So that was frustrating. I had to let my dad know and let him know we've got to find a new range we can go to hopefully down in Peachtree City or something kind of close. I know there's one in Fayetteville, and one in Newnan. It's just a matter of figuring out which one's a little more convenient and which we enjoy better. So, I guess we're going to have to try each one and go from there.
But that was sort of a damper in that because the one local in Peachtree City was pretty convenient. So, you could actually get in and out inside of an hour right around lunchtime, which was great. I just had to bring my lunch those days and eat it on the way before or after shooting. So, I'm going to miss that. That was a bummer. It was like I say, really, really convenient and fun and Noah would like to go with me as well a lot of times. So, hate to see it go and close, but we'll find a new place to go.
Friday went and had the results of my MRI read and I've been waiting for a week and keep looking at my online portal. I showed up on Friday and they said, "Well, you didn't just have a sprained ankle. You also have some stress fractures on one side of your ankle." And they said, "Stay in the boot but keep it on even when you sleep and be non-weightbearing at least until the next appointment three weeks from then." So that was a big bummer, to say the least. As a matter of fact, it kind of sucks. Gives me more appreciation for what our clients go through because now I'm essentially a client myself with an injury to my ankle. It's a pain and hassle and also when some of the doctors are ultra-conservative as well, like in this particular case, my wife and I had to actually push for the MRI. I said I wanted to get it done even though they said you don't really have to have it, or we'd like to do conservative stuff first and then do the MRI. And I was like, "well, let's just go ahead and get the MRI," and pushed for that. And I'm glad we did because that showed the stress fractures, and it also showed the severity of the sprain.
And I feel like honestly if I hadn't gotten the MRI, they would not have said don't be putting any weight on it, and I think it would've been worse. So, I tell all our clients the same thing I tell them now if you continue to have a lot of pain or issues with it make sure you're talking to your doctor and don't be afraid to say, hey, what's the next step? In this particular case, my ankle felt like it was getting worse, not better. So that was one of the reasons why I wanted to get it. And honestly, I've got things scheduled in September, so this is playing an impact on that. Don't see how I'll be able to march at Dragon Con with my group, considering they want me non-weightbearing for two or three more weeks. Just going to put us almost up to Dragon Con itself. I don't see how I can go from not putting any weight on it at all to walking two miles. That just doesn't seem like that's a good plan. So, I don't see how I could march with them, which kind of stinks. I've been working on that for a while, but still going to continue to try to work out.
I will say it's rather challenging without putting any weight on my left leg. So, I've figured out ways to move my two benches in my gym around and I also have a chair in there. So, it's probably a little crazy trying to do what I can to keep lifting and obviously no legs, but everything else, you can do it with some modifications and that's where I've been at.
What's crazy is I ordered one of the little knee scooters from Amazon on Friday. It was supposed to be here on Monday. We got notice on Sunday that the package had some damage, so they sent it back, which is frustrating. So, I ordered another one and about an hour later it they said it was supposed to be here on Tuesday of next week and they rolled it to Wednesday. So, I'm hopeful it'll be at the house on Wednesday. We will just wait and see because that seems a lot better than crutches, which are difficult for anybody who's been on them for any length of time.
That's been my week. It's kind of crazy, and it's beginning to be more and more centered around my ankle and continuing to do what I can do while it's messed up.
We did go see the Deadpool Wolverine movie on Friday. We were trying to see it before any spoilers got out there. And overall, we thought it was a pretty funny movie. Deadpool movies are always a little more slapstick humor than I love, but still really funny and really good. Always great to see Wolverine, I'm a big Marvel Wolverine fan from my youth when I read tons and tons of comics and was looking forward to it and wanted to see it before any spoilers got out. Glad we did because my wife had said even Friday evening, she'd started getting some on her phone so glad we went early. There were a couple of surprises in the movie. Some people showed up we didn't expect, and overall, it was just a lot of fun. And then we had some friends come over and we ended up watching an older movie, Ghostbusters 2: Frozen Empire with some friends of ours. We had not seen it. I thought it did a pretty good job paying homage to the original movies and lots of people showed up and it was a pretty good little flick.
We also continue to look at more roofing denial claims. This scenario, we first started looking into, honestly, after myself and several members of the firm had roofing issues and roofing claims for our own homes and ran into some issues and difficulties in this area of the law. So, we started investigating it and started taking some cases on where essentially there's roofing damage generally through hail or trees injuring homes, and difficulties with the insurance company. They're not wanting to fix things or claiming it's partial damage, and they can replace it just piecemeal, so the shingles don't match. Or just outright denials and looking into those and fighting insurance companies there.
So, if this is an issue coming up for you, we're looking at these cases now. I will say they are harder than your standard car accident case, but it's an area where we felt, honestly, if they were causing a bunch of difficulties for us and we're in the legal industry, then we feel like the insurance companies probably are causing issues and difficulties for tons of our clients already. So, if you run into these issues and want us to take a look at something, please just let us know and email us at info@shanesmithlaw.com. I've taken several of these from smaller residential homes to just a couple commercial policies on bigger buildings as well. Hope you all have a good week and remember, if you are in pain, call Shane!
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