Hey, Shane here. So, July started out strong. It was a busy week after the 4th. Anytime you're out...
Law School's Calling: Noah's Big Adventure Begins!
Hey, this week has just been a regular week in the Peachtree City office. Summer's winding down, so we've been a little trying to fit everything in is what I would say, especially the kids. I know Noah's enjoying not being in school, but he's getting excited for law school to start on the 11th. He told me he got an email from the school talking about the orientation week they have and also the regular classes would start the following week and all the things they had to do before class started and before orientation. One of the things in law school, a lot of times a lot of schools will have a one-week orientation kind of thing where you have some simulated classes, not with your regular professors, but with sort of like year two and three professors who come in and sort of teach a class, teach you to get used to the law school sort of vibe and feel.
They call it the Socratic method where the professor just asks questions and stuff. They used to do it a lot of years ago. The Socratic questions nowadays, a lot of law professors don't, but there are usually one or two that do, and it's always interesting. I remember my contrast class professor. Day one we're all in there and he just starts asking questions. What is a contract? Seems pretty easy, but he went through like eight people before he got to the answer he wanted. So, it's always an exciting time so Noah’s doing that. Sam's with us in Peachtree City. Noah is just getting excited. He's still at the High Point House while they do the remodel from the tree damage and flood that all happened in May, but that is getting close to a close. It's supposed to be done I think the 13th or 14th of August, it always amazes me how long all that stuff takes, but it just takes a long time.Sam's just trying to get through everything he wants to do during the summer before school starts. I think they start on the 18th. Last week we saw Deadpool & Wolverine. Had a good time with that. I asked Sam about any other movies that were out, and he said Twister was there and he'd heard good things about it. So, if anybody has seen Twister, I'd love to know what you think about it. I remember the original one years ago. Is it worth going? Is it not? Shoot that over to info@Shanesmithlaw.com or the comment section below on whether it's any good or not.
Also saw an ad for this crazy movie called Catnado. I don't actually know if the ad was a spoof or not, based off the old movie, Sharknado with Sharks in a tornado. This ad I saw was for Catnado. A spoof of that about cats and tornadoes and attacking people.
Looks pretty awful, but it seems like something everybody would need to, or at least a lot of people would watch at some point. If anybody knows whether it's true or not, let me know, and not sure when it's going to be released, but I sent it to my son who has a cat, so it seems like something all the cat lovers should watch.
Me and my dad did find a range. We're going to go try a round in Fayetteville because the one we go to closed down so my dad called around and found I think the closest other range, so we got to go check that out. Hoping to do that this weekend and just see how it is. And then me and Holly, of course, are looking forward to DragonCon. That comes up at the end of August. It's exciting. This year I planned to go as somebody from the 300, so I've been working out trying to get into shape, but it's been a challenge with my busted ankle, but I'm still on track, just maybe not as on track as I wanted to be, but that's going... I won't say going well, but it's going.
And I would say working out without putting any weight on one leg is exceptionally difficult. Even just doing upper body type stuff but doing the best I can to do that. Also, I ended up with a little scooter because I'm still not supposed to put weight on my ankle and all the crutches were difficult to move around and tiring. So, I got this little scooter and zip around the house on that. Dog's gotten used to it, much more stable. It is actually concerning to me the fact that the number of people who use crutches and go around without a scooter with a lack of stability in those crutches and how tiring they are and wearing on you.
If you know anybody who's become immobile on one side or whatever and they're trying to get around, I would consider one of these Scooters. I found mine on Amazon. It was pretty cheap and it got delivered inside of a week. So highly recommend it to anybody. Much more mobile, much less tiring as well for everything. So that's us. I know Robin misses going on his walks. Holly's taking him some, but he liked the early morning walks with me when it was quiet. He just likes walks period. Robin will go back with Sam to college just as soon as the house is done, and Sam goes to college there. So that should be exciting for him. Holly did find a new Mexican restaurant near Target in Peachtree City just to try it out and see how it was.
That was pretty good. Recommend it. It's a little more, I want to say like young, hipper vibe than our normal Mexican restaurant. But the food was good. They had a bunch of cocktails. We didn't have any, but it looked like just sort of a lively younger crowd there versus our normal place is more of a family style restaurant. So I recommended it. Was fun though. Other than that, it's just been a normal week. I've been working from home most of this week just because seeing the doctors and until the scooter came, I felt like I was stuck on the crutches, but should be back in the office next week and doing normal stuff.
I watched UFC Abu Dhabi. It was on regular TV this weekend. A good thing about it is whenever it's over in the Middle East, they do it at noon and the main event is at 3:00, so you don't have to stay up super late. So, I enjoyed watching that with Sam.
The card was pretty stacked. Enjoyed lots of good fights. Sad news though, Tony Ferguson may be retired, maybe not. There was some speculation that if he lost this fight, he was going to retire. He put one glove in the ring, not two. Said he hated to retire but felt like he was being pressured to, so he put one in and carried one saying, I guess, he would take another fight. So, that was sad to see there. And it wasn't even really sort of the last fight everybody hopes for, for these fighters where they go out on top and just have a good fight they're known for. He got submitted super quick, so it was sad to see.
The rest of the fights were good too. Enjoyed the main card. It was good. Hope you are well and remember, if you are in pain, call Shane!
Paw Offices of Teddy, Robin, & Kingston
Hey, so Ted here. My brother Robin has been at the house the whole time, which usually I like that. However, Mom has been working from home some, and Robin has been sneaky. Normally I sit below her desk and hang out with Mom, but Robin has been taking my spot and I'm not happy about it. So, I have to go lay underneath the desk next to Dad, which sometimes Mom's not even there. It's like I'm all alone in the same room away from her. But that's what I've been having to deal with sometimes. There are good points when Robin's not here and he is at school, like when I don't have to fight to get to and share Mom.
30 Moves to Make the Most of Your At-Home Workout
The article on Healthline provides a comprehensive guide to effective at-home workouts. It covers various exercises that can be done without gym equipment, offering options for different fitness levels and goals. The article includes workout routines focusing on strength, cardio, and flexibility, along with tips for staying motivated and maintaining proper form. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of consistency and suggests ways to create a conducive workout environment at home. Read more
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Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Fitness Gets Smarter
Well+Good delves into the wellness trends poised to dominate 2024, including advancements in personalized fitness with AI, the integration of wellness into real estate, and the increasing popularity of holistic postpartum care. It highlights how these trends aim to simplify and enhance daily wellness routines. Read more
Weekly Trivia Question
Watch this video and answer the question to be entered in the week's giveaway!
The winner will win a $25.00 Amazon gift card!