Hey! So this week was a bit different for me because I left on Wednesday to head to Dragon Con in...
Labor Day Prep: Conquering Atlanta, Spartan Style
Hey. So this week has been a slow week, I guess. Me and Holly been down in Peachtree City. We dropped the kids off at college last week, on Saturday. I watched the fight driving home. I was riding, Holly was driving, and spent Sunday just sort of settling in. So, I have to get up most mornings at six o'clock, let the dogs out, and do some sort of reflecting, meditation, and praying a little bit. And this morning after I was done, I was out walking, just past my front door, and saw this little dude outside. He looked like he got caught in our motion sensor light, and it just shocked him. And then he just stood there, just staring at the window. And I went back a minute later and he is still standing there. So I hope he wasn't too scared by the lights. But it's probably a good thing Robin wasn't home otherwise. He'd have been going crazy this morning.
At the office, we have joined the American Heart Association's Heart Walk fundraiser. We have a team in the Peachtree City office and one in the Charlotte office. There is an actual walk in Atlanta and Charlotte towards the end of September but what is cool is that they have a program for the 30 days before to encourage people to move more. The Peachtree City team started this week and Charlotte starts next week. Peachtree City has been neck and neck with one other company to be the top team in Atlanta. They are usually within 100-200 points of each other. Also, one of our staff members, Sikiu, has the most individual points in all of the Atlanta teams. I wish I could walk but with my ankle, I can not. I am just super proud of my team and happy we can help the cause. Company fundraising page
This whole week, me and Holly have been packing and trying to figure out what we're going to do for Dragon Con this year. We go every year, we think we've been 14 or 15 years in a row. We started going right before I started the law firm, so it may actually be longer than that, honestly.
What was cool about it, in the beginning, is we went with some friends of ours and it was just a big cool sci-fi fantasy convention. That was the first trip where I quit carrying my cell phone all the time and working all weekend. When we went the next year, at the time we were much, much smaller, and Holly was just used to me working on my phone all the time. We would take the kids to karate, they'd go inside to practice, and I'd be outside working on my phone. I answered it all the time back then because all the office lines when the day was over, got forwarded to my cell phone. So I just answered all the calls and would talk to everybody then. That year our receptionist kept my phone over the weekend and answered the phone and took messages. And so that was the first trip where I didn't worry about work, even back when I, well, I worried about work all the time because I was always answering the phone. So it just holds fond memories for us. Holly loves it.
She loves seeing the older movie stars, seeing just all the costumes. Some people do some cool things and some people do some just okay things. Me and Holly have dressed up. Generally, we dress up in one outfit or another, at least one of the nights there. A lot of times we'll dress up probably two or three, but not every single night and not always during the day. A lot of times during the day, we're wearing casual clothes, just like a lot of other people. Some people ask us, "Does everybody dress up at Dragon Con?" And the answer is no, they don't. I would say probably about a third of the people dress up, and so about two-thirds do not. And of the third that dress up, some of them are pretty casual costumes that aren't all out, just smaller, simpler stuff. And then you have some that are just crazy.If you ever want to see something cool, I would Google the Dragon Con Parade, and then you get to see a lot of the costumes there. This year, we're excited. Holly's big costume is a Viking. And we looked at some pictures, we didn't know it, but we were pretty close to that How to Train Your Dragon Viking girl, Astrid. If we'd known how close she could have looked, we would've tailored her costume just to finish it out. But we didn't realize it until afterward. But she's going as a Viking. My big thing is I'm going as a Spartan again this year. I'm not going to be able to walk in the parade with my ankle, but I should be able to do their big reveal and wear the costume on Friday night. I think it's just too far to walk in the parade but looking forward to dressing up still.
That's been a lot of work to get to that point and to feel good going and hanging out with those guys and gals who are all just super fit. So happy to be doing that. Happy I saw the doctor and he moved me from the boot to a brace, which is what allows me to march around and I'm really happy about it. I will tell you all about how DragonCon went next week.
This week's been mostly packing. We stay downtown in the International Tower. That's just where we got rooms years ago, and they renew our reservation every single year. We usually meet a couple friends of ours, so we're excited about going, and really looking forward to it. The thing about those rooms is they're pretty small, and it's amazing how Holly always packs a couple of tubs. So we use those bigger gallon tubs you can buy to store things in. We take those with our costumes, and so that room will be slapped full, but it'll be great and we'll have a wonderful time. So Viking and Spartans is the big thing.
Holly has some different outfits she's going to try on and take. She's still trying to finish out what she wants exactly, but we're almost there. And like I say, over the weekend, we're finishing things up. So good week full of packing, full of getting excited for Dragon Con. The app came out so you can see the whole schedule, which is always exciting, going through there, and seeing it. There's just tons of stuff to do, tons of performers. The vendor hall is big. It's over in the America's Mart. I think it's three floors or four floors with Comic Book Alley, which is just art. And then there's an art show, and then there's just tons and tons of panels, plus the Walk of Fame. So we're excited again this year, really looking forward to it.
Hope everybody else has a great Labor Day coming up soon, and I'll talk to everybody soon.
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Marriage.com outlines key dating trends for 2024, such as "conscious dating," where individuals seek meaningful, value-aligned relationships, and "orbiting," a confusing phenomenon where someone disengages but still interacts on social media. These trends reflect the complexities of modern dating, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and intentional connections.
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Why Smart Rings are the Next Big Thing
Move over smartwatches, smart rings are taking the spotlight in 2024. These tiny wearable devices can track your health, control your smart home, and even help you navigate your digital life. It's all about making technology more convenient and stylish. Read more
(Image credit: Future)
Paw Offices of Teddy, Robin, & Kingston
Teddy here. Yeah, mom and dad do some crazy things. Dad, a lot of times in the morning, will come out and he'll get in this little tub kind of thing outside, and it's super cold. And normally I think he's crazy to do it because who wants to get in something super cold and hang out for two or three minutes like he does? I don't know what he gets out of it, but he always sounds like he's really excited when he gets out of his... I think it's a cold plunge, but anyway, he was going to be gone for a couple of days, so I had Mom drain it so it would just dry out and clean a little bit. And what I figured out was that ice-cold water on the rocks is pretty cool while I'm laying out in the sun. So that's what I got to do today while mom worked and cleaned it up. And let me tell you, it was pretty sharp. I enjoyed it.
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