Hey, it's been a busy week. I had my normal activities, but what was interesting is that me and my...
When Allergies Attack!
Hey, it's been an odd week for me this week. We were up in Charlotte after our trip, everything was going well. Teddy was enjoying being with us, as opposed to Jaclynn, his babysitter and his buddy Kylo, which he enjoyed. But it's not quite the same as being with Mom and Dad. I was doing fine. I thought I was totally recovered from our trip and didn't have any issues. But I think being down on the cruise, where there's no pollen and no trees and none of that junk, and then coming back to Charlotte my allergies just hammered me. It was kind of crazy. Normally I deal with a little bit of allergies, but I have to take Claritin or maybe Tylenol allergy medicine during the spring and fall, and that seems to moderate it pretty well. I was just sitting here, actually, telling Holly that I felt like this year I'd done super well and had had no issues whatsoever and everything was going good. Then on Thursday, it just hit me like a hammer.
I got to work one day, and I was having all kinds of allergy symptoms, trouble concentrating, and ended up feeling exhausted, overall. In the end, I had to go home early that day and take a nap, which is highly unusual for me. I rarely do anything like that, but this year, it's been absolutely brutal.
It's at a time when we've got a lot going on. We're preparing for my eldest’s graduation from college. He's a senior, and he graduates on Friday. So, we're trying to figure out what you give somebody who graduates from college. A lot of the advice I've received has been, "Give him money," but we try not to do that for close family members. I wanted something for him.
Also, we're trying to coordinate with family that's coming into town, because my parents and Holly’s parents are coming into town. We are figuring out where everybody's going to stay and how we're going to get out there. Then just wish him well and to drive forward, also, with the rest of his schooling stuff. He's got to finish that up. Then what are his plans for the summer? It's been a busy time, and it was not a great time for me to be feeling sick, but that's where it's at.
It did let us catch up on One Piece. Me and Holly try to watch one episode a day, and when we were out of town on the cruise, we fell behind. It did allow us to catch up on that, taking easy those nights after work and over the weekend.
Holly and I did walk around a lot, walked some in the evenings after work just to get a little exercise and enjoy the springtime. And we found these flowers that are just growing near our house, and you can see how tall they are, which is crazy. But then we also found some wild honeysuckle growing up some trees. Honeysuckle always makes me think back to when I was a kid, when I was in elementary school. There was a ton of honeysuckles near the playground where we would play during recess. And that's where I first experienced where people would eat honeysuckle or rake it off and suck out the honey. And so just seeing the strand of wild honeysuckle near my house, it made me think of that. When I lived at one of my other houses, we actually planted honeysuckle, but it came from Pike's, and it never really seemed the same to me as the wild honeysuckle.
It seemed like something was off on it. It never was as fragrant and was just as good. So I think next time, if I ever am planting any again in my yard, I'm just going to go find some wild honeysuckle and plant it because I feel like every time I do that, the wild honeysuckle is just more fragrant and does better and has more of the honey aspect to it as well. If anybody knows why the domesticated version of honeysuckle is more fragrant, I'd love to know that.
We are looking for a good new sci-fi-type series to watch. If anybody has any great suggestions, we'd love to see one. That's our genre of choice. We've seen a bunch, but we'd like something else that is new, fun, and exciting to watch on TV. If anybody has any recommendations, I would love to receive them at info@ShaneSmithLaw.com to see if there's something out there we have not seen. That would be great.
Paw Offices of Teddy, Robin, & Kingston
This week has been good. Mom and dad were back from their trip where they left me with a babysitter. My buddy Kylo was here, and we played around and watched stuff, but I always prefer to be back home with Mom and Dad, which we were able to do. But with the weather being good, Mom and Dad have went on more walks, which is always good. But sometimes they do put me in this little cart thing when I get tired from walking because I'm older. But I ride on this. We found some cool flowers and stuff outside. With spring in the air, there are tons of flowers and bugs and bushes and everything for me to smell and just have a good little trip. I've also been doing well. Usually, I'm the sick one, but my brother Robin got an ear infection and so he's sick right now and he's got to take medicine and have his ears cleaned and all that stuff and I'm the healthy one. So that's what's wonderful right now. So, I hope everybody else is enjoying Spring and staying healthy.
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